At Globalvia Transmontana we dispose of real time traffic management and control through telematic equipment installed throughout our infrastructure.
It is through Telematic road Systems that we support all the operation area of the company in detecting quick incidences on the road like accidents, animals, objects or vehicles stopped that can put in danger the normal traffic flow and the safety of the users.
Through the Traffic Control Centre some equipment as Video surveillance Cameras, Weather stations, SOS Telephone Posts or Variable Messages Signs (PMV) which are indispensable for the detection and communication of incidents on the road, where the response time is crucial and can save lives.
The Traffic Control Centre works 24 hours a day, every day of the year, so that we can keep a continuous monitoring of the road. Thus, we can make sure that any incident is detected in time, ensuring this way the maximum security of our users, using as a strong support, the telematic systems.
Anytime that there is an incident detection, the Traffic Control Centre tries to disseminate it as quickly as possible to all users that are travelling on the road so that they are informed and, consequently, travel with precaution and adequate their driving to the condition of the road. In these cases, Variable Messages Signs are used.
During the wintry period, the weather stations along our infrastructure allow a correct measurement of the ice formation conditions. They become a powerful system to our wintry maintenance teams when defining the areas that need salt treatment as prevention.
In order to make sure the maintenance of all equipment is correct and so they have very high availability rates, at Globalvia Transmontana que we dispose of a maintenance team that is responsible for keeping all equipment, doing preventive maintenance work and besides that, the corrective maintenance, which is always necessary.
Throughout all the concession there are
SOS Poles
Along the highway
Closed-Circuit Television with exclusive monitoring of our Traffic Control Centre on behalf of the safety of our users
Variable Messages Signs used in the management of traffic, providing useful information to drivers
Weather Stations
Stations of environmental detection, which are intelligent and permanent and provide data concerning the wind, air and pavement temperature, rainfall and ice formation
Everyday countless users travel with us, to whom we intend to provide a good travel experience and, above all, in safety.