Taking into consideration the commitment of the Grupo GLOBALVIA with the management of Entities and Societies that integrate it in a responsible way, according with the mission of satisfying the client’s needs and other parts related to our infrastructures management in an efficient and sustainable way, the Board expresses its commitment in the present materialized policy through the main operating principles:
– Stablish the quality management culture, sustainability, safety and compliance as a strategical element for the functioning of the group.
– Stablish more adequate resources, products and service to reach the preconceived objectives, contributing for the continuous improvement of The Management Integrated System (Sistema Integrado de Gestão) and the performance of the Organization.
– Fulfil all legal requirements and applicable legislation, as well as other assumed by the Group.
– Provide safe work conditions, eliminating the hazards and reducing the safety risks identified.
– Identify and understand the current and future needs of our stakeholders, stablishing – in a cooperation and understanding framework – mutual compliance commitments, aiming to reach their satisfaction and keep a positive relationship with local communities and the society in which we are inserted.
– Promote the participation and engagement of all the human team of the Group, enhancing their qualification and attitudes through training, motivation and communication, as well as the availability of information to conquer a continuous improvement in the performance of their activity.
– Promote Ethical Corporate culture and a good governance driven to the adequate and correct behaviour of all those who belong to Grupo Globalvia.
– Include, in all phases of Infrastructures Management, the sustainable and efficient use of resources, in order to eliminate/reduce the environmental impacts caused and the associated risks, and, so on, contribute for the protection of the environment and the help the fading of climatic changes.
– Promote communication strategies aiming to transmit our commitment of conservation and respect for the environment and preservation of damages, the worker’s health deterioration, users and all parties that might be affected.
– Promote the operational railroad safety, analysing the risks, studying the changes, forming and training the workers to obtain a great and safe railroad service to its users.
– Preserve the availability, integrity and confidentiality of all interested parties to ensure the safety of the information and protection of personal data.
Madrid, the 22nd of June,2020
D. Javier Pérez Fortea.